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Thomas Hardy - Opera Omnia
1840 - Birth
1871 -
Desperate Remedies
1872 -
Under the Greenwood Tree
1873 -
A Pair of Blue Eyes
1874 -
Far from the Madding Crowd
1876 -
The Hand of Ethelberta
1878 -
The Return of the Native
1880 -
The Trumpet-Major
1881 -
A Laodicean
1882 -
Two on a Tower
1886 -
The Mayor of Casterbridge
1887 -
The Woodlanders
1888 -
Wessex Tales
1891 -
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
1891 -
A Group of Noble Dames
1894 -
Life's Little Ironies
1895 -
Jude the Obscure
1897 -
The Well-Beloved
1928 - Death
Alphabetical index of authors
Other authors of the XIX century:
Jane Austen
Thomas Hardy
Edgar Allan Poe
Authors of the XX century:
William Butler Yeats
theausten, all the texts of thomas hardy author of the five hundred (500),was an English lawyer, author, statesman
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who in his lifetime gained a reputation as a leading humanist scholar Despite his busy political career, Austen
Thomas Hardy - Opera Omnia - edited by
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